Membership Features & Policies

Membership Benefits
What sort of benefits do I get from being a part of the Healthy Savings Program?

Your monthly dues paid open up a world of membership benefits! These benefits include a 1-Hour Massage or Facial session, discounted second and third monthly visits, 20% off Dermalogica Skin Care products, 10% off all waxing services,

Credit card update
I need to update my credit card on file. Who do I contact?

You can update you information by calling the Spa that you originally became a Member to. Simply dial 952.995.9595, select the location and any of our Service Desk Associates will be happy to assist you.

Banked Sessions
I haven’t been able to make it to the Spa for a few months, now I have some banked sessions. What are my options?

We want our clients to utilize their sessions so your sessions never expire while you are an active member with us.  This means that they roll over to the next month and “bank up” in your account. This allows you the opportunity to utilize up to two sessions per visit for a Spa Package. Call 952.995.9595 and let our Service Desk Staff help you achieve great results!


I have moved away from the area, what should I do?

We are sorry to see you go and wish you the best finding a new home! If you are moving 30 or more miles away from all Massage Retreat & Spa locations, simply follow the link below to fill out a Membership Status Change Request for your membership. You will be required to attach documentation with your name and new address from a third party source (ex. confirmation e-mail, rental agreement, job acceptance letter, junk mail, utility bill). Once we receive that documentation, we will review and get back to you with confirmation of the change. If you are moving within 30 miles of a Massage Retreat & Spa location, we will be happy to refer you to a Massage/Skin Therapist at your new home spa!

Medical Changes
My health care provider has requested that I discontinue services at this time, how do I do that?

While we work hard to help enhance your wellness, we know that life sometimes has different plans for your body. If your doctor recommends a change in your therapy routine, go to the Membership Status Change Request link below and complete the information requested. In the attachments section, simply attach a note from your provider requesting termination of services based on medical need. Once we receive that documentation, we will review and get back to you with confirmation of the change.

I won’t be able to make it into the Spa for a few months, can I stop my payments?

Absolutely! One of the benefits of the membership is that if you are a snow bird, saving for a big event or just need a break from payments we can freeze your membership for one, two or three months after you have been a member with us for at least 90 days, and your membership is active and current. A Freeze means that there are no dues processed, but during this time you will also be unable to access your benefits of the membership, including any banked sessions. All banked sessions will be waiting for you after your first payment back from freeze. Please keep in mind that it can take five business days to process your freeze request. Please notify us with as much time before your next dues payment date. Simply go to the Membership Status Change Request link below to request your freeze.

Originally, I thought I wouldn’t make it to the spa for three months, but I want to come back early. Is that okay?

Of course! Simply call your Home Spa. When we reinstate your membership, your due date will change to the date of reinstatement and dues will be automatically processed as of that day. Then you can schedule your appointment!

Status Change
I need to make a status change to my membership, how can I do this?

All status changes are processed through the link below which will generate an email to our Member Services Team. Within three business days we will connect back with you to assist with anything you may need! If you have an urgent need, please call our spas at 952.995.9595.

Need to make a change to your membership?
Membership Status Change Request.