

Spa Revenue by Category



Start-Up Costs
  • $33,333 each unit($100,000 up to 3) Empire Builder Agreement
  • $45,000 single unit
  • $100,000 Empire Builder of 3 Units

Overall initial investment per unit: $319,475 – $480,655

Type of Expenditure Amount Method of Payment When Due To Whom Payment Is To Be Made
Initial Franchise Fee $45,000 Lump sum When Franchise Agreement is signed Us
Spa Opening Package $16,500 – $20,100 Lump sum At least 120 days before opening Us, Third Parties
Spa Operational Package $35,000 – $60,000 Lump sum At least 120 days before opening Third parties
Grand Opening Advertising Promotion $12,500 Lump sum When Franchise Agreement is signed Us
Lease Payments $6,625 – $8,900 As arranged As agreed in lease or sublease Landlord
Utility and Lease Security Deposit $5,750 – $8,600 As arranged Before opening Landlord; Utility providers
Leasehold Improvements $156,500 – $215,455 Lump sum As required Contractors and third party suppliers
Employee Recruiting $1,500 – $8,600 As incurred As incurred Third Parties
Training Travel Expenses $500 – $3,500 As incurred As incurred Third Parties
Computer System $6,800 – $10,000 Lump sum Before opening Suppliers
Government Permits and Licenses $1,000 – $6,500 As arranged As arranged Government agencies
Insurance Deposits and Premiums (including statutory workers’ compensation) $200 – $500 As agent requires Before opening Insurance carriers
Professional Fees $2,000 – $5,000 As required Before opening Your accountant, attorney, and other professionals
Additional Funds (10 months) $27,500 – $75,000 As incurred As incurred Varies

Grand Total

$319,475 – $480,655

Please see 2016 FDD #7 for detail notes

Revenue Model

Open at least 36 months as of December 31, 2015
(Plymouth, Edina, Shoreview, Savage)

Average Gross Revenues
Number of Centers 2014 2015 % Change
4 $1,142,168 $1,197,044 4.80%

Open 24 to 36 months as of December 31, 2015
(Eden Prairie, Woodbury, Maple Grove franchise)

Average Gross Revenues
Number of Centers 2014 2015 % Change
3 $795,295 $973,316 22.40%
Average % of Gross Revenues
Centers open 36+ Mo. Centers open 24 to 36 Mo.
Membership Dues 66.0% 59.6%
Massage (non-member massage, upgrades) 20.0% 26.4%
Skin 5.8% 6.4%
Retail Products 8.2% 7.7%


100.0% 100.0%
Labor (therapists, service desk, payroll taxes, training, bonuses, excluding gratuities) 50.1% 53.0%

Please see 2016 FDD #19 for detail notes

Royalty Fee and Sample of On-going Expenses
Type of Fee Amount Due Date Remarks
Royalty Fee 5% of Gross Sales Weekly Payable by electronic funds transfer (“EFT”). Based on Gross Sales during the previous week.
Local Advertising $4,950 Monthly See Item 11 for more information regarding local advertising requirements. Payable by EFT.
Operations Software License and Maintenance Fee Currently, $799 Monthly See Item 11 for more information regarding our Operations Software. This fee begins after your first two months of use of the MRS software, although your first month of use may be a partial one. Payable by EFT.

Please see 2016 FDD #6 for detail notes

Candidate Requirements


  • Minimum $1M liquid capital
  • Minimum $2.5M net worth
  • 680+ credit score


  • Minimum $250K liquid capital
  • Minimum $750K net worth
  • 680+ credit score