Enhance Your Experience

Utilizes cold, marble stones to help eliminate headaches and migranes.

Cold Stone Therapy: $10


Including Aromatherapy into your massage session provides additional benefits that enhance relaxation, stress relief and fatigue, clarity, headaches and balance.  

Balance – Vacation for the Soul
An aromatic blend used to balance and improve mood. A luxurious blend of lavender, orange, tangerine, rosewood, rose, geranium and chamomile combined to provide a truly relaxing experience.  

Relaxation – Soothe the Body
A blend of oils used to promote overall relaxation. An blend of ylang ylang, lavender, myrrh, rosewood, tangerine & bergamot create a robust aroma that is perfectly blended to provide energy and clarity that relieves fatigued bodies.  

Revitalize – Rejuvenate the Spirit
A mixture of oils used to uplift and energize the mind and body. A refreshing blend of frankincense, palmarosa, lavender, bergamot, cypress, geranium & sage.  

Recovery – Relieve the Pain
A powerful blend used to help detoxify and heal the body. A refreshing blend of dwarf pine, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary & melissa oil. This aroma is ideal for helping to soothe aches and pains.

Aromatherapy: $10


Deep Muscle Relief provides enhanced muscle and tension relief with a warm and cooling therapy customized into your massage session. This proven method of hot oil combined with cool gel works deep into the soft tissue and is for anyone who suffers from limited mobility due to exercise, athletic training, overuse or chronic pain.

Offered in 3 key areas: • Back and neck • Legs and feet • Arms and hands

Deep Muscle Relief: $10


Our Foot Scrub soothes foot pain and discomfort,  hydrates and  refreshes arches to leave you feeling like you are walking on air.

Foot Scrub: $10



Massage Retreat & Spa offers hydrothermal therapy using hot towels combined into your massage therapy session. This can help relax tight and irritated muscles while helping to increase circulation. Hot towels may be used in areas that would be unable to tolerate the pressure and friction common to massage. The use of hot towel therapy is recommended by the Arthritis Foundation to relax muscles and increase circulation in areas made tender by that condition.

Hot Towel Therapy: $10